PADV: One Minute Saves

The Ask
To end the crime of domestic violence and empower its survivors.

The Background
This campaign targets the issue of domestic violence in the context of social distancing due to Covid -19.

The Target
Anyone, because it’s important that everyone be informed of Domestic Violence and would be willing to prevent the issue. 

The Insight
On average, 20 people are abused every minute in America. But during quarantine, people are staying at home more, which means victims of Domestic Violence have longer time exposed to their abusers. The real number of victims during this Covid is likely much higher than the reported data.

The Strategy
those who assume domestic life is normal and safe, especially those who are unaware of the terrifying situation that victims of Domestic Violence are facing during quarantine.

TO start staying alert for any signal of Domestic Violence among  their loved ones as well as their relatives, acquaintances and neighbors. 

BY continuously intercepting their daily lives with messages about Domestic Violence that the messages start subconsciously entering their memories.

The Creative
A video, lasting one minute, provides information on Domestic Violence during quarantine and giving people contact information to reach out to PADV. The video can be played on various social platforms but targets mainly Youtube and Amazon Prime. It will not give
people the option to “Skip Ad” which makes them have to watch through the whole video.

Masks that are designed with messages on Domestic Violence can help people be aware of the  issue in the context of Covid 19 and quarantine. We can partner with influencers to promote the masks. On social media,  the hashtag #oneminutesaves would be used to promote the mask and also the whole campaign.  When a customer purchases a mask on e-commerce sites such as Amazon or Ebay, part of the proceeds could go towards PADV. In the packaging
of the masks, there would be inserts that provide additional information on how people can check on someone who is thought to be a victim of domestic violence.



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