Nike Techni

The Ask
Create awareness of the creators and artists behind the Nike brand.

The Background
Nike wants to set the trend for the next generation of designers. By paying homage to the designers of our most iconic brands. 

The Target
Millennials who are interested in understanding the people behind the Nike brand

The Insight
From the very beginning, Nike has inspired a generation of artists around the world. Theirs nothing more exhilarating than the last second shot or the Kick heard around the world. In the same way, Art inspires all of us that’s why we have created Techni “the Greek word for art” to embody the art of our Nike creatives. 

The Strategy
We will be creating a line of spray paint to allow  designers to express themselves creatively. We have also created a limited edition line of spray paint for our most iconic athlete, Kobe Bryant and Gianna Bryant. We have partnered with the Mamba and Mambacita Sports Foundation to send all proceeds to provide positive impact through sports. 

The Creative
Spray paint cans



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